Hot air circulating temperature controlling real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR detector
Hot air circulating temperature controlling real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR detector
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G01N 21/64C12Q 1/00
Boao Biological Co., Ltd.
Xu Hui, Zhang Lei, Xue Xiaoxiang, Chen Hairong, Chen Renyuan, Sun Hongbo, Che Congjun, Wang Rongchao, Li Hongyan, Wang Xianhua
Key Words:
PCR detector, quantitative, fluorescent, real-time, Hot air
The invention relates to a real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR detector based on hot air circular temperature controlling. It contains a wind-bath device, a PCR reaction testing cavity bellow wind-bath device, an exciting optical path outside testing cavity, a detecting optical path vertical with exciting optical path, a signal collecting and processing system, a communication system, an external computer and a rotary moving device bellow testing cavity. At least one temperature detecting sensor and one real-time fluorescent corrector are set on rotary moving device which realizes circuit connectivity between upper and lower parts under state of lower part fixing and upper part rotating by using a rotary connector. Because that the temperature detecting sensor and sample tubes are rotates on the same disk, the invention can control temperature accurately during PCR detecting. Detect polymerized enzyme chain reaction by using this invention can improve the accuracy of detecting results.

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