Capacity adjustable cyclone compressor refrigeration system
Capacity adjustable cyclone compressor refrigeration system
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F25B 11/02
Tsinghua University
Wang Baolong, Shi Wenxing, Li Xianting, Han Linjun
Key Words:
Capacity adjustable, cyclone compressor, refrigeration system
The invention relates to a refrigerating system with a capacity-adjusting scroll compressor. The invention adjusts the fit between the compressor and the operating condition through the leakage of a refrigerant of the compression middle section of the compressor to the low pressure side and the injection of the refrigerant of the high pressure side to the compression middle section of the compressor, which can effectively change the efficiency of the compressor and the capacity and performance of the system to result in that the refrigerating system with the scroll compressor can efficiently works within the large range of operating conditions and can effectively adjust the capacity of the system to make the capacity inosculated with the changeable refrigerating or heating requirements in order to improve the applicability of the system and the energy efficiency of the system under varied operating conditions of the large range. The invention can be used in the refrigerating or heating pump system with the scroll compressor in the air conditioning refrigerating field.

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