Radio frequency electronic label position location system based on trigonometric interpolation
Radio frequency electronic label position location system based on trigonometric interpolation
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G01S 5/02
Tsinghua University
Luo Rong, Chen Yibo
Key Words:
Radio frequency, electronic label, position location system, trigonometric interpolation
The invention belongs to the technical field of radio frequency electronic label positioning, which is characterized in that: the invention comprises a radio frequency electronic label, three wireless access points provided with radio frequency transceivers, and a central server, wherein, the central server calculates the distance between the radio frequency electronic label and each wireless access point according to the intensity information sent by the radio frequency electronic label and the position information sent by each radio frequency transceiver, then the position of three radio frequency transceivers is regarded as a centre, the distance between the position of three radio frequency transceivers and the radio frequency electronic label is regarded as the radius to make a round, six intersection points are got, the difference between the arithmetic average value of the six intersection points coordinate and the practical coordinate of the radio frequency electronic label is used for calculating the position of the radio frequency electronic label to estimate the error. The triangular interpolation positioning method has the advantages of improving the positioning accuracy, reducing the computational complexity and wide application range.

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