Method for inserting digital watermarking to relation database and extracting it from the same
Method for inserting digital watermarking to relation database and extracting it from the same
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G06F 17/30
No.61 Institute of Headquarters of General Staff of PLA
Li Deyi, Zhang Yong, Wang Jianmin
Key Words:
insert, extract, digital watermarking, relation database
The invention refers to a method for embedding and extracting digital water lines into and out of the relation databank, which belongs to information hiding technology field. The method is: the copyright person image information to be embedded is transferred into water lines cloud-drop; selects the unit group and attributes of the water lines cloud-drop to be embedded; the water lines cloud-drop is embedded into the confirmed unit group attributes. The extraction method is: selects the unit group attributes of water lines cloud-drop; extracts the water lines cloud-drop, and reduces the water lines cloud-drop into could character information; it is carried on with comparison of similarity between it and the cloud character information of copyright person image information, in order to confirm the copyright person image information.

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