Parallel IP packet sorter matched with settling range based on TCAM and method thereof
Parallel IP packet sorter matched with settling range based on TCAM and method thereof
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H04L 12/56
Tsinghua Univ.
Zheng Kai, Liu Bin, Chen Hao
Key Words:
TCAM, settling range, match, parallel IP packet, sorter, method
The TCAM based parallel IP packet classification method salving range matching belongs to the IP packet retransmitting and processing field in computer network technology. It is characterized by that it utiolizes the classification rule of IP packet to define its ID, and utilizes ID to further divide the classification rule into several groups, then all the rule groups can be respectively stored in several TCAM chips so as to implement distributed storage, at the same time of implementing parallel IP packet classification it has no need of obviously increasing demand of TCAM; at the same time it can fully utilize some anused bits in conventional TCAM and can code range domain in the rule, so that some rules having need of several TCAM list items to make storage can be stored by only using one TCAM list item so as to solve the range matching problem of TCAM.

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