A method for implementing iSCSI memory system
A method for implementing iSCSI memory system
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H04L 29/06, G06F 3/06
Tsinghua University
Shu Jiwu, Xue Wei, Pan Jiaming
Key Words:
iSCSI memory system, implementing method
A realization method for ISCSI storage system characterizes in realizing ISCSI protocol on ISCSI controller including a net card binding module realizing different load balances, a storage device management module providing fixed virtual device identifier and the heat plug function, an adaptive IQ load control program controlling parallel IQ load of low end storage device and a multi-path module for IQ requiring controlling different storage array channels. Storage device image module controlling the access limitation of a starter to the storage device, a block device support module realizing the transformation of SCSI order and soft device IQ and a software RAID module are added if necessary.

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