Direct carbinol fuel battery consisting of the pole board current stacking parallel electrical stack
Direct carbinol fuel battery consisting of the pole board current stacking parallel electrical stack
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H01M 8/24H01M 8/04
Tsinghua University
Wang Rongrong, Li Chunwen, Xie Xiaofeng, Ding Qingqing
Key Words:
carbinol fuel battery, electrical stack, pole board

The invention relates to direct methyl alcohol fuel cell technology area, its characteristic lies in, in each voltaic pile, in various anodes pole plate the methyl alcohol intermixture flow channel fluid flow import end passes through respective fluid flow control valve, together pass through fluid pump access into fluid flow export end of the methyl alcoholintermixture vessel, after each fluid flow export end of various methyl alcohol intermixture flow channel paralled and put the exportation fluid flow backflow to the methyl alcohol intermixture vessel; in the various negative poles pole plate the air current import end of air flow channel paralled and connected with the air out end of an air pump, but each air out end of the air flow channel paralled and interlinked with the atmosphere. When some voltaic pile fluid flow stops up, other voltaic piles all control valves shutting down, the flow channel stops up the voltaicpile all control valves completely open to the biggest. When the voltaic pile owes the load movement must close the control valves on a part of voltaic piles. At the same time, the invention may solves the stop up in the solution voltaic pile flow channel and simultaneously lengthens the battery working life.


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